When it comes to technology, sometimes it's best to not trust your eyes. This is a perfect example. There's a guy who believed he was seeing a portal near the Gateway Arch in St. Louis. Nope, but what he found is an interesting example of new technology trying to deal with the real world.

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The concept of a portal or worm hole in the real world is not a new thing. It was the inspiration for the movie "Stargate" and there are some scientists who really believe it's possible there could be warps in time. This isn't one of those. This was a fun conversation on Reddit where a guy found what he thought was a portal or something paranormal over the Gateway Arch. His screenshot showed what looked like a black triangle over the Arch and...it's interesting, but I know what's going on.

First, let me put your mind at ease. This is the current view of the Gateway Arch as seen on Google Earth.

Google Earth 3D View
Google Earth 3D View

When the guy on Reddit viewed this, it was from an earlier software version of Google Earth when they had enabled the 3D view. The black triangle was the software trying to put something where it did not have data. Call it a "glitch" or whatever. The computer was trying to show the guy a view for a spot it didn't have an image for. Simple as that.

Don't laugh at the guys idea too hard though. Popular Mechanics shared a study where physicists do believe that human-safe worm holes could exist. It just doesn't exist in St. Louis. Yet.

Photos of Marvel Exhibit at Museum of Science & Industry in Chicago

Photos of Marvel Exhibit at Museum of Science & Industry in Chicago

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