You may never have thought of the Jefferson National Expansion Memorial known primarily as the Gateway Arch as a place where ghost lurk, but you may be wrong.
As a person who's afraid of heights, I can't imagine the terror that some are experiencing right now inside the Gateway Arch in St. Louis, Missouri right now. Rescuers are reporting that many are trapped inside in trams right now.
I've learned the hard way that you can't please everyone and that's true even if you're an iconic American landmark. I've collected some of the best 1-star reviews of Missouri's beloved Gateway Arch.
Laws are having to evolve with fast-developing technology. Don't believe me? Did you know that there are now laws about where you can and cannot fly a drone and that includes specific rules involving the Gateway Arch in St. Louis, Missouri. It is possible, but the exceptions are rare.
The Gateway Arch in St. Louis, Missouri is famous for many reasons. It is of course an iconic representation of the gateway to the west across the Mississippi River, but if you're a Percy Jackson and the Olympians fan, you know it's special because of its prominence in the books.
I don't want to giveaway my exact age, but let's just say that I am way overdue to begin my midlife crisis. It's a good thing I live in Missouri because there are no better states I can think of to begin a middle of life meltdown.
When I think of tall structures in Missouri, I immediately think of big skyscrapers in St. Louis and Kansas City, but neither city has the tallest structure in the state. As a matter of fact, the tallest structure in Missouri isn't a building at all.