Keep your hands off my Missouri bacon. That's my message to the internet that has gone on a shaming campaign that needs to stop and it needs to stop right now.

First, a disclaimer. Everyone has the right to an opinion and that includes the person who just listed 7 bacon brands to avoid at all costs on 24/7 Wall St. But, in this case, I think they've taken the assault on bacon a bit too far. I'll attempt to explain in a cordial and not screaming voice.

I won't give away their entire bacon shaming list, but suffice it to say they don't like bacon that many in Missouri like including Oscar Meyer, Great Value, Jennie-O, etc. But, I draw the line when they call out Smithfield as bacon to avoid. 

The bacon 'experts' at 24/7 Wall St criticized it as "thin, vaguely disappointing affair" adding "critics also noted the extraordinary amount of grease that results from cooking this bacon". This just in. Grease happens when you cook bacon! The travesty!

That's fine. It's just an opinion, but this hurts Missouri especially as you might recall Successful Farming reporting that Smithfield was closing at least 35 Missouri hog facilities recently. While it seems innocent for the internet to go on a bacon shaming tour, it's real Missouri jobs and real Missouri workers who pay the price (literally).

As a result of this savage anti-bacon campaign, I'm gonna go buy a half dozen packages of Missouri-made bacon to support our local pig farmers and workers. Take that, internet.

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Gallery Credit: Canva

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