Illinois Ranks Dead Last in a Important Measure for Success
Being ranked 50th out of 50 is NEVER good, especially when it comes to measuring the Fiscal Stability of the different states.

I have lived in Illinois for my whole life, all 30 years, and I spend a lot of time defending Illinois because I truly believe there are brilliant places and people here. BUT even I can't spin this ranking into anything positive whatsoever.
According to usnews.com the state of Illinois ranks DEAD LAST 50th out of the 50 states for "Financial Stability"....YIKES. In the article on their website they say that...
"The fiscal stability of a state’s government is vital to ensuring the success of government-sponsored programs and projects and the quality of life of the state’s residents...State credit ratings and public pension liabilities were measures of long-term financial health, while asset liquidity and budget balancing – their spending in comparison with their revenue – were measures of the short-term health."
Illinois was last in both Short term and Long term Fiscal Stability, the other states at the bottom of the list includes states like New Jersey, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, and Hawaii. While states at the top of the list were Alaska, South Dakota, Tennessee, Idaho, and Utah.
Now if we want to take a look closer to home in the Tri-States Missouri falls at the number 15 spot on the list which is quite good with a great Long Term stability ranking, and Iowa comes in around the middle of the pack at number 23 on the list.
Does hearing news like this make you worry if you live in the state of Illinois? Is there a solution for a state like Illinois to turn around its massive financial woes?
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