Hunter Calling Coyotes, Gets Badger Instead – Picks Up Barehanded
Don't ever do what this hunter did. He was calling in coyotes, but got a badger instead and proceeded to pick him up barehanded.
This all started with a video shared by the Missouri Department of Conservation about how common badgers are in our state even if you don't often see them.
I was curious if anyone in Missouri had ever captured video of one and found this. I don't believe it's Missouri, but it is wild.
The hunter is calling in coyotes, but gets this vicious little guy instead. Missouri Department of Conservation does have some helpful information about badgers and their habitat. Yes, you can run into them if you venture into their territory in the wild, but should you try picking one up? Not unless you'd enjoy mangle fingers.
Badgers are a great presence in Missouri as they do "eat rodents such as ground squirrels and mice. They also eat rabbits, insects, lizards, snakes, and eggs of birds and turtles" as the official Missouri badger site mentions.
The Operation Wildlife site has a fun mention of what to do if you encounter a badger and in ALL CAPS "DO NOT PICK UP". That obviously doesn't apply to this hunter who has ninja badger picking up skills. As for me, NOPE.