Have Cupid Deliver Your Valentines This Year
There are plenty of ways to say "I Love You" on Valentines Day. Mostly just saying "I Love You." But also with cards, chocolates, dinners... you know... romantic stuff. But with a lot of that, you have to wait till later in the day after you've had a long Tuesday at work and you're tired and you just want to watch The Flash. So why not have a QU student deliver the cards and flowers and roses for you? Like this guy!
For just $40, you can have Cupid deliver a rose and 10 hand-made truffles to your Valentine on Monday the 13th or Tuesday the 14th, and he'll even sing a song for them. They're taking reservations through Saturday, and are only have 50 slots available. So make sure you get your reservation in now. For more information, you can check out their Facebook page!