Anime has become a generational touchstone for large numbers of GenZ and Millennials. Fans of the distinctive Japanese style of animation and art will converge at Con+Alt+Delete in Rosemont, Illinois December 20th through the 22nd at the Hyatt Regency O’Hare.

Even Gen-Xers who were weaned on “Astro Boy” and “Speed Racer” in their youths have a place at an anime centered comic con. That’s what Con+Alt+Delete is, a gathering of anime fans.

If you have someone who loves anime in your family, they will feel at home at this event surrounded by others who share their passion for the medium and the creative way the stories are told.

google maps
google maps/Hyatt Regency O'Hare - Rosemont, IL.

CAD2024 is hosted by and includes demonstrations and performances beyond anime to incorporate video games, manga and even Japanese culture.

As with most every Con event there will be celebs to meet and greet including voice-over actors. Tyson Rinehart who voiced Bartolomeo in “One Piece” will be there. Screenings of top movies and shows from the genre. Concerts by anime themed bands, all the cosplay you’d expect, video games, table games, an escape room and more.

World Premiere Of The English Dub Version Of "SPY x FAMILY CODE: White"
Getty Images for Crunchyroll

Add a twist to your holiday season for the anime fan in your life and take in Con+Alt+Delete in Rosemont, Illinois and make some special 3D memories focused on 2D Japanese animation.

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