A Survey reveals Missouri is the Most “Forgotten” State in the US
If someone asked you to name all 50 US states could you do it? If you couldn't, what would be the states you forget to list? Well, according to one major survey Missouri is the state that gets forgotten the most, check out the details here.
Readers Digest has an article titled The U.S. State Everyone Forgets When Listing All 50 States and they claim that Missouri is the state that is most often forgotten. In the article they say...
"The results from Sporcle’s “US States Quiz” make it clear that Missouri is the most forgotten state. The quiz has been attempted by players more than 19 million times, and Missouri is the state the lowest percent of people guess correctly. Only 77.6 percent of players manage to remember it...The four most-forgotten states behind Missouri are Connecticut, Minnesota, Massachusetts, and Nebraska."
To read the complete article click here!
I would like to be clear, I have taken these types of quizzes dozens of times (they are fun to me) and I always remember all 50 states. BUT forgetting Missouri is crazy, here is my list of 5 states wayyyy more forgettable than Missouri.
1. Kansas - What am I supposed to remember about it except "Rock Chalk"
2. Indiana - I try often to forget Indiana any time I have to drive through it to get to more exciting East Coast states.
3. Delaware - I mean who remembers Delaware?
4. Vermont - It's basically Canada
5. Arkansas - It wants to be Alabama but its not.
Missouri isn't California, New York, or Florida, but seriously who remembers Arkansas more than Missouri?