Yes, it's a rare occurrence, but yes it really has happened in both Missouri and Illinois. Shark attacks are not what you'd expect in the Midwest, but history tells us they have occurred and could happen again.
The Mississippi River that borders Missouri has plenty of dangers all its own without adding sharks to the equation. You'd think you'd be safe from that worry, but sharks swimming up the Mississippi River as far north as Missouri happens more often than you think.
I will admit that I did a double take when I first heard this, but verified that it's true. A Missouri boy really was just bitten by a shark. Yes, a shark, but there's some good news and a common sense explanation.
When you swim and/or play around a river in Illinois, you know you need to expect the unexpected. But, in this case I would guess that what was really found is something few would never expect. Yes, a 12-foot bull shark really was found in an Illinois river and there are video and pics to prove it.
If there was ever proof that truth really is stranger than fiction, it's this. It's the (I promise) true story of a woman who was attacked by a shark in Missouri and the shark's name was Bob.
I can hear the laughter already, but there really was a shark attack in Missouri. It happened back in 1996, but really wasn't something you could blame on the shark. I'll try to explain.
How exotic can a home in Missouri be? This might be the answer. It's a Missouri home that has a shark, kingfish, stingray and Egyptian coffins on the walls.
When I think of sharks (and I do often), I don't think of Illinois. Perhaps I should change my thinking as I've learned of at least one time when a bull shark made it all the way to Alton.