Whether you say "Awwww!" or "Ahhhh!" when you see videos of butterflies swarming around turtles, we're here to find out if this heartwarming scene is real or just something artificial intelligence cooked up.
You can say whatever you want about Missouri and you might even be right, but there's no arguing about how awesome the natural geographical features of the state are. Someone counted all the natural springs in the state and the number is beyond incredible.
Well, you can likely say goodbye to really cold weather in Illinois. No, this is not an official forecast from the National Weather Service, but it's an indication from nature as the first bee of 2024 has already been spotted in the central part of the Land of Lincoln.
I can't think of a better example of having your cake and eating it, too. What is Illinois' richest small town? It's the same place that also happens to be surrounded by gorgeous tree-lined nature preserves.
One of my most distinct memories from growing up in Missouri is chasing (and catching) fireflies. I called them "lightning bugs" because I didn't know any better. There are reports that these fascinating creatures are slowly but surely disappearing and it appears that it's our own fault.
Let's be clear that there is no present constant black bear population in northeast Missouri - yet. A new report by the Missouri Department of Conservation does show that not only is the bear population in Missouri growing, but it's heading to the northeast.
As the weather in Missouri begins to warm up, we're nearing the time when you'll see lots of butterflies begin to make their way back into the Show Me State. There is now a way to track the migration so you know when to expect Monarch butterflies back in your Show Me State neighborhood.