I don't know about you, but I'm pretty happy when I find that I had $50 that I didn't know about. The concept of $5 billion dollars is beyond my math comprehension. That's the number that a car maker is reportedly investing in a Illinois plant.
Even though I do have some outlaw blood in me, I'd never recommend that you or anyone else break the law. However, if you really need to have your vehicle stolen, I have it on good information that you really should consider parking it in Missouri.
There are literally thousands of vehicles on Missouri roads right now that may have a dire steering wheel issue that could cause a high risk of crashing. That's led to an urgent recall issued by the federal government.
I drive a vehicle that is now 18 years old so it's not surprising my car is not on the list of the most stolen vehicles in Missouri, but there are 3 models that get ripped off from their owners more than any others.