There are just some town pronunciations that will leave you scratching your head.

Pronuncations are something I have always struggled with...and still do, When I was in college I was on KXCV, Northwest Missouri Public Radio, and I had the privilege to work the night shift which was the classic music portion of the station. I had to announce the composers of each musical piece, let's just say I didn't last long on that shift.

Mispronounced Town Names in the Nation

So when I saw this list from Readers Digest about the most mispronounced town names in each state I tried to say them and pronounce them as best as I could. I failed miserably, but each town is not easy.

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For example, Wayzata, Minnesota - how the heck are you supposed to pronounce that without sounding like you're speaking another language?'s pronounced Why-ZET-uh.


Or, Abiquiú, New Mexico... scratching your head huh? The correct pronunciation is AB-ick-you...yeah OK.


Most Mispronounced Town in Illinois

Now, it's Illinois' turn. According to Readers Digest, Benld is the most mispronounced town name in the Land of Lincoln. It's pronounced Ben-ELd. I don't know about you, but I would have never thought it would be pronounced that way.

You can rest easy knowing that you're not alone when trying to pronounce these 50 town names, Just be glad you live in a town where it sounds and spelled "normal."

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Stacker compiled a list of cities with the most expensive homes in Illinois using data from Zillow.

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