Julia Louis-Dreyfus Announces Breast Cancer Diagnosis on Twitter
The fight is just beginning for one of Hollywood’s most revered comediennes. Veep and Seinfeld favorite Julia Louis-Dreyfus took the courageous step of announcing her own breast cancer diagnosis over Twitter, pivoting the discussion to healthcare as HBO answers questions about Veep’s final season.
Mid-Thursday saw Louis-Dreyfus sharing a brief Twitter note that revealed “1 in 8 women get breast cancer. Today, I’m the one.” The Hollywood Reporter adds that the diagnosis arrived one day after the Veep star took home a sixth (!) Emmy for Outstanding Actress in a Comedy Series, while Louis-Dreyfus’ announcement also assured her own well-being, and a push for universal healthcare.
HBO also clarified that the Veep star’s health had no bearing on a decision to end the Emmy-winning series after its seventh season, which itself will premiere late enough in 2018 to skip the Emmys. It remains unclear how the diagnosis or treatment will affect production, though HBO (and the gosh-dang world) are naturally placing Julia Louis-Dreyfus’ health first:
Our love and support go out to Julia and her family at this time. We have every confidence she will get through this with her usual tenacity and undaunted spirit, and look forward to her return to health and to HBO for the final season of Veep.
We’ll cheers to that. In the meantime, best wishes to Julia Louis-Dreyfus, friends and family, and stay tuned for updates as they come.
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