This makes me wonder what the super-rich might know that the rest of us don't - yet. Why are many affluent individuals building and buying doomsday bunkers under Missouri? Is there something about to happen that they're worried about or am I just paranoid - or both?

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I saw this interesting article from The Daily Star asking a similar question. They said 'Bible prophecy is coming true' as claims billionaires build huge underground bunkers" and they're not wrong. Oh, and they're buying many that are available right now in Missouri like this one in Polo.

Doomsday bunker available now in Polo, Missouri.
Colleen Roberts via YouTube

The rich and famous can afford to transfer their fancier lifestyles underground with bunkers like this one in Missouri equipped with elaborate backup power sources.

Doomsday bunker available now in Polo, Missouri.
Colleen Roberts via YouTube

The story says that Facebook/Meta's Mark Zuckerberg is just one of more than 15 billionaires that either already have built a doomsday bunker or are in the process of building one. There are dozens of these properties in Missouri thanks to the many Cold War-era silos that are now abandoned.

The Hollywood Reporter says some even feature flame moats and water cannons.

Why build/buy Missouri underground bunkers now? What is coming that they know about that we don't?

The theories vary wildly from the elite knowing about an incoming comet or asteroid or the very real chance that world war is on the immediate horizon. It could just be a "being prepared" philosophy with no knowledge of imminent event, but it's curious that so many are building these bunkers now all of a sudden. The truth is out there (or under there) somewhere.

Missouri Property Hiding a 10,000 Square Foot Doomsday Bunker

Gallery Credit: Allison Rank Team, ReeceNichols - Country Club Plaza,

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