If you're planning to travel to destinations in Illinois over the holidays, you might want to be aware that 2 in particular are now notorious for bed bug reports and 1 is the worst in the country.

There are few things more terrifying when you're traveling than staying in a place that is infested with bed bugs. The most recent bed bug reports from Orkin shows the top 50 worst cities and two Illinois places have rocketed to the top of their list.

For the most recent full calendar year, here are the two Illinois destinations that are now in the top 10 in America for bed bug infestations:

1. Chicago

10. Champaign

Get this. There are 40 recent reports of bed bugs in Illinois and 9 in Champaign. As a whole, the state of Illinois has 652 bed bug reports according to the Bed Bug Reports website.

Here's why staying in a place in Illinois with bed bugs is a huge problem

If you happen to stay in an Illinois hotel or motel with bed bugs, they can get into your luggage and travel back home with you. At that point, you now have to be concerned about having pest control experts deal with your home space of these awful pests.

How can you test for bed bugs?

The Environmental Protection Agency says you should look for rusty or reddish stains on bed sheets as that's a sure sign that bed bugs have been crushed in that area. Since this is the biggest travel period of the year, you need to take extra precautions if these two Illinois cities will be a part of your plans.

See the Most Toxic Small Town in Illinois with Deadly Water

Gallery Credit: Chris Harden via YouTube