2 Nights-in-a-Row, Stealth Bombers Spotted Flying Over Marblehead2 Nights-in-a-Row, Stealth Bombers Spotted Flying Over MarbleheadThis isn't alarming at all. Two nights-in-a-row, stealth bombers have been spotted flying over Marblehead, Illinois. Wonder why?Doc HollidayDoc Holliday
Construction Begins Today on Highway 57 in QuincyConstruction Begins Today on Highway 57 in QuincyA year long project to improve Highway 57 from Quincy to Marblehead gets underway today.Jeffrey DorseyJeffrey Dorsey
Mars Rover Mission Scientists Now Need To Help Us Figure This Stuff OutMars Rover Mission Scientists Now Need To Help Us Figure This Stuff OutI was happy to hear that the Mars Rover successfully landed on (of all places) Mars. Now that the rover is safely on the red planet, perhaps the super-smart scientist people that got that done could help us solve some local problems.Doc HollidayDoc Holliday