There is a generation that believes that old school TV shows were much better than what's being offered now and I'm one of the believers. That's why I was excited to learn there was an episode of the Beverly Hillbillies that was filmed in its entirety at Missouri's Silver Dollar City.

I won't assume that you're old enough to remember The Beverly Hillbillies, so here's the synopsis of what the show was about. Jed Clampett was out hunting with his dog when one of his gunshots accidentally brought up a ton of oil under his property which made him and his family instantly rich so they moved to Beverly Hills. The whole premise of the show is this backwoods family featuring Granny, Jethro Bodine and Elly May interacting with a Beverly Hills banker and his assistant.

In 1969, The Beverly Hillbillies took their show on the road and featured an episode filmed in Silver Dollar City in Branson, Missouri where the family had their own fair. It was a hoot.

IMDb offers this description of the Silver Dollar City episode:

"The Clampetts travel back to the hills to attend the Silver Dollar Fair. Granny and Elverna Bradshaw compete to find mates for their kin."

This episode aired on October 8, 1969 and remains one of Missouri's brushes with Hollywood greatness.  Irene Ryan who played Granny on The Beverly Hillbillies would pass away only 4 years later sadly. The series only continued through 1971, but remains one of the old school TV classics.

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Gallery Credit: Justin Root via YouTube

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