Illinois A Top 10 Most Sinful State, But Not Number One
A seventh place finish? Really Illinois? Seventh is the best we could do? Couldn't even crack the top five. We're not trying hard enough. You play to win, or you don't play at all. Go big or go home. And then the music in the background swells, we all cheer, go out on the field to give it our with a big happy Disney sports movie finish and ta-da... We win! We're the most sinful state in America!
Unless you don't want to be sinful. It isn't the most desirable thing to be. It's pretty much the worst. We shouldn't strive to be sinful. We should strive to be Iowa, which ranked as the 46th most sinful state according to WalletHub. Or fifth least sinful, depending on how you look at it. So I guess Ray Kinsella was almost right when his dad asked him, "is this heaven," and Ray said, "It's Iowa."
It's at about the 30sec mark
WalletHub ranked the 50 states based on certain metrics like crime, health statistics, businesses, education and yes, even porn searches to assign points and rankings that align with each of the seven deadly sins: Lust, Greed, Gluttony, Sloth, Wrath, Envy and Pride. Higher the score, higher the ranking, and thus, the more sinful. Each sin was sub-categorized so a state could rank high in Lust but low in Envy, hypothetically. States were then assigned an overall weighted ranking to give us the Best of the Best. Or Worst of the Worst, depending on how you classify being number one on this list.
The Overall Top 10 were as follows:
- Florida
- California
- Nevada
- Texas
- Georgia
- Tennessee
- Illinois
- Michigan
- Arkansas
- Louisiana
Ultimately that ranking makes sense, with nine of the 10 states having fairly large population centers (Miami, LA, Houston, Atlanta, Chicago, etc.). The outlier being Arkansas. Yeah, I know Little Rock is there, but does that really compete on the same level as some of the states Arkansas beat out, like Arizona, Ohio, New York or Missouri? Missouri came in at at number 19, notching a point and a half higher than New York.
I guess one the one hand I'm glad we're not number one. But a top 10 finish is still disconcerting. Good on ya, Missouri for hitting the middle-ish of the pack, and Iowa showing pretty near saintly.