(Hannibal)— Superintendent Jill Janes says although Hannibal High School was not in session today, an important event will take place as scheduled tonight at Porter Stadium…Graduation.

The power outage in the aftermath of Monday night's storm resulted in school being cancelled Tuesday and Wednesday.  Power was restored to all elementary schools by Wednesday, but  power at Hannibal Middle and High Schools was not restored until mid-morning today.

Janes says her staff and faculty pulled together to make the best of a difficult situation.

One pressing issue was frozen foods for the cafeterias.  She says maintenance staff saved them from spoiling by loading onto refrigerated trucks.

There was a contingency plan for graduation in case power was not restored--generators.

Jill Janes is optimistic that graduation will be outdoors. Graduation starts at 7 p.m.

Janes says things are starting to get back to normal as the school year draws to a close.

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